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Season #7

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Check out the guests we featured for publicity

There is so much going on in the world today and it is difficult for our young men to deal with these things. Most of the time you hear about organizations and programs to help girls and young women have someone to talk to. Well, Uncle Leon is a man who recognizes the need for our young males to have someone to talk with, whether it is good news or not. Check out the interview and see how you can help a young man. It’s easier than you may think.

Veteran, Coach, and Trainer Brian Blackmon is doing more than his share to give back to the community. He helps veterans and he coaches sports. Learn how this award-winning coach makes a difference and why.



IG: @btadventures_

Marva Brown-Thomas is a busy woman. She has a show, magazine and she gives the gift of warmth each year among other things.. Find out why she does these things and how you can get involved. 



IG: @blacklinkmag

Twitter: @blacklinkmag

TikTok: @blacklinkmag

Facebook: Black IS

Dr. Stephens is a licensed therapist who has been using her skills and talents in this field to help African Americans come to terms with and tackle psychological issues.  She has written a book called I Am A Black. A woman which has become a movement. It is a powerful form of healing and likes a mini therapy session for the reader. She did not leave men out, I Am A Black Man is also available and accomplishes the same thing. She is truly giving back to help her community.


You can follow Dr. Carolyn on 



IG: @Drcstephens

Leya is an advocate, coach, media consultant and so much more. Her life philosophy is easy to follow and helps give her the power to accomplish the many great things she does in the community. Join us as we learn of her obstacles, successes, and triumphs.


Follow on


IG: @leya.lovely.lady or @thisiswhatafighterlookslike

Twitter: @lovelyladyleya



And reach out via email at

Imarenakhue Lilian Ehigie is the founder of Edo Women Founders of Entrepreneurs. The organization is based in Nigeria, Africa and is helping women entrepreneurs. These are women passionate about success. Find out about the organization, the latest news, and how you can help.


Contact them via the website or via email:

Wilson High School Homecoming Parade 2021! The pandemic did not stop "Tigerpride" this year. We came out and were safe as we celebrated homecoming. It was a pleasure to see the parade march through downtown Florence, SC.


for more information, check out the news story by Matt Christian of SCNOW:


We are looking forward to more events as we keep it Purely Positive, the Network that cares.

Martha is a friend of mine and I am proud to say she is a survivor. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and she is doing it gloriously. Find out how she fought this battle and won.

This is the pilot for the Purely Positive Show as we interviewed Lucille Flenory, mother of Big Meech. She talks about her rebranding of BMF, how she sees what happened to her sons, what she hopes to accomplish, and how she enjoys helping young people.

Introduction to Wilson High School Homecoming Parade 2021. 

Benefiting a workforce for kids with special needs. Debra Moses started this initiative. Find out why.

Benefiting a workforce for kids with special needs.

Enjoy the shows and stay for next season!

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