We live in a world of fast-paced everything, but some things still take time and planning. Publicity is one of those things. A publicity plan is important and with the right publicist can be effective, even without using the traditional means (Radio, Newspaper and TV).
Please do not get me wrong, these outlets are important and still pack a punch. However, the playing field has been opened up and one of the new outlets is the magazine article or feature. Popularity is skyrocketing and sought after by many. LJ Thomas of the Purely Positive Network is working behind the scenes to help bring visibility and media attention to businesses through this magazine.
There are new magazines being launched regularly thanks to digital distribution. The growth in this landscape allows for countless opportunities to be seen. This is where Umoja Mag comes into play. Here is the background on the magazine:
This monthly digital publication is in both French and English. Distribution is global (Europe, the UK, 55+ African nations, Canada, and the USA). The magazine purposes to bring visibility to entrepreneurs, services and more. Not only are there articles, but there are also advertisements within each issue (classified ad or 1/2-2 page spread. The back cover is also available). There are several publishing/promotional packages to choose from:
Basic Publishing $55: 500-word article (pic & links) and global distribution
Full Publishing $175: 500-word article (pic & links) and global distribution, social media article, 30-minute TV interview (potential translation into French & Spanish)
Other promotional packages are available for your consideration.
Additionally, inclusion in the Umoja Business Directory is only $75 per quarter for those who are not interested in being featured in the magazine. This global directory opens doors for doing business with companies round the world and is updated quarterly. The directory will be included in an issue and be available on the website. Globalization is a large part of driving the world's economy. Be sure you get your piece with a listing in this directory.
The inaugural issue is a Special Edition and scheduled to be released on January 15, 2022. Since this is a monthly periodical, there are at least 12 annual opportunities to be featured. This means if you are advertising, you have many chances to get your book, brand, business, cause, event, product, or service in front of others around the world. Imagine, global distribution...this is just the beginning for you.
Umoja Mag was founded by Coach Jeanine Bunzigiye CEO of With You Solutions, LLC. She is a global business consultant. This magazine is just one part of her "unity campaign". Jeanine believes in bringing visibility to entrepreneurs and especially those who are black and brown. You can catch her on her show Empowering You TV.
To talk with Jeanine about the magazine for features, advertising or sponsorship, please email: umoja.mag@wys-tec.com. If you have decided on a promotional package, you can send your payment to paypal.me/umojamag. You can visit the website here.